Although the practice of law is quite complex, dealing with your bankruptcy lawyers should not have to be. In today’s time, an attorney should be well equipped to provide their client with the best possible service. Traditionally, dealing with an attorney often meant long wait times for meetings and return of phone calls. Often, an attorney would require their client to come in person to their office even to resolve simple issues. Although in person meetings serve a purpose, the reality is that in modern times, the advances of technology have made it such that attorneys are able to perform at greater levels of efficiency than ever before. Those attorneys and law firms that can harness the advantage of technology are able to better serve their clients by providing improved response times, quicker research and a reduction in your valuable time being required to constantly manage and travel to meet your attorney. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we take pride in ensuring that our firm is always up to date on the latest technological advances to help our firm operate at peak efficiency and serve our clients with top-tier service. Below, we will outline how our law firm has taken steps to better serve YOU, the Client.
A Modern Website
In today’s world, clients want access to find an attorney to be as easy as possible. For many, this means the ability to search for an attorney in their area and then be able to have access to their website for additional information. Traditional websites are often outdated and do not allow clients a positive and efficient interaction. A Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we take pride in investing in a website that was developed from the ground up to make the client’s experience as positive as possible. The ability to clearly navigate a website to get firm information, attorney profiles, read reviews and ratings, as well as the ability to research common topics is a priority for us. Many find our website easy to navigate, gain knowledge, and then ultimately contact our office to schedule their consultation.
A law firm website should also make it easy for the client to get in contact with the firm---be it to send a message or schedule a consultation. Our website makes it as easy as possible to contact our office via a simple click of a button. The client can schedule an appointment directly from our site or call and schedule with our secretary. Further, we have ensured that our website is mobile friendly, meaning it is optimized to work on your phone or tablet. It is much more common for clients to use their phone rather than a computer or laptop, and by creating a site that works properly on a mobile device, the client is provided with the best user experience possible.
Up To Date Research Material
The law is ever changing, and to better serve our clients we must have access to the latest material to better educate ourselves. Traditionally, attorneys would be required to purchase expensive print material to gain access to specific areas of law. However, with the advances in technology, attorneys can now gain access to the most up to date legal material by subscribing to several legal publications and resources. In the past, the additional time and cost to conduct research would be passed on to the client by way of billable hours. However, by having access to online materials, attorneys are able to conduct research and be up to date on their materials in a much more time and cost-effective matter. This ultimately results in the attorney being able to provide the best legal service possible to the client without the added cost.
At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we ensure that our attorneys are up to date on all relevant legal changes to better serve our clients. By subscribing to legal aids and publications, we can ensure that we are offering our clients the best service possible. For example, if there has been a significant change in the bankruptcy code, it can impact the ability of a client to file or possible exempt and protect certain assets. It is critical that the attorney is aware of the latest changes so that during your consultation, you are presented with the most accurate information. The last thing one would want is to be told one thing, only later to be told that the information was inaccurate. It is not uncommon for clients to come in researching a specific area of the law, only to be told in a consultation that the laws have changed. Sometimes the change may be to the client’s advantage, and other times it may negatively impact a client’s matter. Regardless of the outcome, we strive to be up to date with all changes in the law to better serve our clients.
Answering Service
It is important to understand that a successful and busy law practice has the tools to communicate with their clients. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we take pride in our fast and efficient response times to both phone calls and emails. One of the ways to ensure that your call is always answered is by subscribing to a legal answering service. This allows us to make sure that every phone call is answered 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, the client is politely treated, and the client’s message is relayed to the appropriate attorney in the most efficient way possible. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we have found that the addition of an answering service has allowed our staff and attorneys to be better organized with client communications and providing a clear and efficient manner in how to respond. For example, our attorneys receive several calls a day from clients and it isn’t always easy to respond right away. As more calls come in, it is easy to lose track of the order the calls were received. The beauty of the answering service is its ability to integrate into our firm’s management software and allow the attorney to respond to calls in the order they were received. We have found that our clients are very pleased with our response times when they call our office.
It would seem common sense that your attorney is up to date with responding by email, however, we still hear of some attorneys that want to communicate by phone and mail only! The reality is that in today’s world, we want our responses to be as fast as possible. Email allows our attorneys to communicate to clients in the most efficient way possible and is our preferred method of contact. First, email makes it much more convenient for a client to ask questions. Second, it is much easier for the attorney to respond to the client as well as ask questions or request additional details. Third, there is a clear written record of the communication. This is very important, as a written log of communications ensures work is being done properly and clearly.
Additionally, email must be secure. You are providing private and confidential information. Your law firm must take steps to ensure that emails are protected to the best of their ability. This means implementing firewalls and a proper server that can encrypt and protect your communications. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we pride ourselves in out prompt email responses. We can answer client’s questions and receive client documents as quickly as possible. Further, we took the time to research the various email servers before choosing what we felt was the best option in terms of reliability and protection.
Law Firm Management Software
With so many documents and communications, it is easy to get lost and disorganized, which can have negative impacts for a client. For example, a deadline may be missed or a document misplaced. However, by utilizing a management software specifically designed for law firms, an attorney can be as organized as possible. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, after diligent trial and error, we have implemented the management software designed by Clio. The use of this software allows our firm and attorneys to have electronic files for each client, store documents and track all communication and notes for each client. Additionally, important dates and deadlines can be logged. The use of Clio allows our attorneys to properly manage each client’s individual matter, keep documents secured and organized, and keep record of all communication and time spent on each matter.
As discussed above, when choosing an attorney to represent your legal needs, you want to take the extra steps to ensure that both the law firm and attorney are utilizing all the latest resources available to them. A law firm that invests in the latest technology is a firm that will be able to best represent your needs as well as offer the best client experience possible. At Modesto Bankruptcy Attorneys, we are proud to offer our client’s the best experience possible, one with ease of access and communication as well as overall satisfaction. We believe this has had a direct impact on our excellent client ratings and reviews.